
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Blog

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주제 : Digital Age Communications

추천 게시물


Data sovereignty and security reign in the new work world

The new work world is bringing the need for data sovereignty and security to the forefront, as businesses shift to the cloud to enable people to work from anywhere.

최신 블로그

AI in cybersecurity blog image
Digital Age Networking

Benefits and risks of AI for combatting cyberthreats

While AI can reduce workload, provide new types of protection and increase adaptablity, it also entails new risks.

woman during a presentation
Digital Age Communications

Surprising impact of noise reduction on ASR

An ALE study reveals that noise reduction techniques can negatively impact transcription accuracy in Artificial Speech Recognition (ASR) applications.

A man looking at a laptop
비즈니스 연속성

Supply chain resilience and business adaptability

Strategic supply chain resilience and business adaptability to thrive in the face of adversity


Revitalise education with a modern campus network

A modern, campus-wide network upgrade aligns capabilities with academic, research and business priorities today and tomorrow. 


Solve education challenges with a modern campus network

A modern campus network helps streamline operations, reduce costs, and offers a safe and caring place to work and study.


Education today: Why modernising campus networks is a must

Educational institutions worldwide must modernise their networks to meet today’s new requirements.

Man looking at a laptop
비즈니스 연속성

The upside of disruption: Understanding the VUCA world - Pa…

The VUCA from events in 2020 led to a worldwide disruption in supply chains and logistics that ALE successfully navigated.

a field worker fixing a power line
에너지 및 공공사업

Communications empower energy and utilities field workers

Real-time solutions on mobiles, with cloud-based apps, aid field service management in minimizing operational risks.

Energy and utilities operations control centre blog main image
에너지 및 공공사업

A smarter Operations Control Centre for energy and utilities

Next-generation Operations Control Centre (OCC) will enable mission-critical communications to improve safety and efficiency.

A Woman looking at a laptop
비즈니스 연속성

The upside of disruption: Implement a business intelligence…

Abiding by our values and implementing a proactive business intelligence approach were critical to surviving VUCA. 

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