Resiliency prevails in hospitality in 2020 and beyond

luglio 10, 2020


在2020年初,没有人能预见到,今年我们将经历有史以来最严重的全球卫生危机之一. 新冠肺炎疫情已在全球蔓延,工商业陷入前所未有的停顿.

Among the industries most affected is hospitality. 世界各地的飞机停飞,酒店和餐馆关闭, 酒店业的支柱已经破碎,因为酒店业面临着难以企及的回归“正常”的挑战。.

However, even in this time of adversity the hospitality sector has proven to be dynamic and adaptable. 在卫生危机最严重的时候,许多酒店经营者做了大量工作,为直接受疫情影响的人开放酒店作为替代住所,以获得社区的信任. 一些酒店已经重新安排,为老年人和症状较轻的病人提供医疗服务, 而其他设施则容纳了政府安全人员和保健工作者, as well as homeless people.

即使疫情有所缓解,它的一些影响也将不可避免地留在我们身边. 这场健康危机的性质决定了严格的卫生和保持社交距离规则,这些规则将继续存在, even as they contradict our traditional concept of travelling, staying in hotels, dining in restaurants and attending events and crowded places. 随着我们进入一个新的大流行后世界,酒店业的适应能力将受到考验.

hotel welcome post health crisis

Normal in a post-pandemic world

似乎可以肯定的是,当封锁措施解除后,人们会想要回到他们的生活中去, and return to their business and leisure activities. 酒店业面临的挑战将是执行高标准的卫生和社交距离, 在不牺牲舒适和个性化的客户体验的情况下做到这一点.

实现这种全新客户体验的关键之一是启用安全性的技术, mobility and self-service solutions. 技术供应商随时准备帮助酒店业面对新世界的现实.

如果我们具体考虑酒店,我们需要考虑酒店如何提供卓越的客人体验,同时限制与酒店员工面对面的互动. 我们还需要解决他们如何在不影响客人舒适的情况下保证社交距离和遵守卫生规定.

Back in 2019 we identified smart hospitality as a major industry trend. 在2020年,由于这场意想不到的危机,这一趋势比以往任何时候都更加重要. Based on this new reality, hotels will need to be more contactless, more mobile and smarter, 作为客人和员工依赖于设备和应用程序的日常行动和操作. In short, the health crisis has not created a new trend; rather, it has accelerated the adoption of an existing one.

智能网络是将一切联系在一起的主要组成部分, providing seamless and secure connectivity between guests, staff, devices and applications. At Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, 我们看到,在顺利实施新的酒店标准和要求的过程中,网络作为基础技术发挥着至关重要的作用.

the connected hotel network

1. Improving security to create a safe environment. 需要部署和管理新的复杂安全系统、设备和应用程序. The network must provide the automation, security and networking standards necessary to 连接新设备和支持服务,防止网络安全漏洞, with the best performance and minimum effort.

2. Redesigning the guest journey. 众所周知的“入住前、入住期间和入住后”模式需要更多的思考. 科技将取代客人和员工之间面对面的交流. To ensure guest satisfaction and comfort, as well as a superior quality of experience, the network must provide pervasive and high-speed connectivity for smooth integration with guest services and devices.

3. Mobilizing back-of-the-house (BOH) operations. 虽然远程工作已被广泛采用,以确保在保健危机期间的业务连续性, even in the most reluctant industries, 不幸的是,这不是酒店火狐体育手机真正的选择. 然而,考虑一下基于移动性和云计算的“远程工作”概念. BOH移动应用程序可以最大限度地减少员工之间的面对面互动, and between staff and guests. 酒店运营可以更多地依赖基于云的管理解决方案, which can be accessed anytime and anywhere, require no on-site hardware and maintenance, 并且基于灵活的软件即服务(SaaS)订阅模型. The network must be ready to provide high levels of mobility, quality of service and security for the hotel operations to run smoothly and seamlessly around the clock.

The solution to these three challenges is Alcatel-Lucent Digital Age Networking. 请继续关注本系列的下一篇文章,我们将更深入地探讨这些挑战.

Recommended read: Technology Is Vital To The Hospitality Industry Revival阿尔卡特朗讯企业部全球酒店总监Xavier Mongin说


Ana Mata

Global Business Line Manager for Network Solutions

Ana Mata于2008年加入阿尔卡特朗讯企业部,此后在公司担任多个职位.

她目前是网络解决方案的全球业务线经理, 专注于不同网络产品线的销售支持和发展, including WLAN, SASE and SD-WAN and cloud-based network management.

安娜以前在政府和酒店火狐体育手机工作过, in support of ALE's vertical transformation.

她拥有马德里康普顿斯大学的数学学士学位, 随后是统计与运筹学系的硕士研究生.

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