CFO: 5 benefits of subscription model for business telephony

gennaio 09, 2024

Adopt a subscription model to transform your telephony solution with greater financial flexibility.


As a CFO, you know investing in IT infrastructure is critical for your organisation’s success. But the cost to make that investment is likely top of mind. And if it is, you may be interested in knowing more about how a subscription model for your business telephony can help you ensure greater flexibility and predictability in your IT budget.

什么是subscription模型? This model falls under operating expenditures (OPEX) and differs from the capital expenditure (CAPEX) model which relies on perpetual software licences. Moving to an OPEX model will give you greater financial flexibility and allow your team to focus on operating accounts rather than balance sheet management.

Here are the top five benefits to adopting a subscription-based model for your business telephony.

1. 有限公司开始投资

The OPEX model reduces or eliminates the initial investment required when launching new projects. Subsequently, as needs evolve, your organisation has the flexibility to adjust the telephony solution and the rate at which new services are introduced to users.

Freed from the risks associated with an initial financial outlay, the IT department can be a driving force behind proposals to meet the needs of internal teams and promote business development.


2. Predictable cost

The OPEX model replaces what can be a high initial investment with a predictable and linear monthly, 年度或多年度subscription. All the communications and collaboration services that users need as well as the support and evolutionary maintenance of the solution are included in a single invoice.


3. 灵活终止

The OPEX model gives organisations the flexibility to adapt costs to business needs.

用尖峰模型, when you purchase a product with its perpetual licences you are making a full financial commitment – regardless of whether the product is used. The ongoing costs (depreciation or financing costs) must always be absorbed.

Conversely, with the OPEX model, if the service does not meet the need or is no longer required, subscription to that service can be quickly ended.


4. 会计west midlands

从一个纯粹的观点来看, CAPEX on a product is recognised in the balance sheet and amortised over the life of the asset.

With the OPEX model, the service subscription is recognised in the income statement, making it possible to track current expenditure as it is incurred with no impact on the balance sheet.

Furthermore, in most countries, OPEX is tax deductible and CAPEX is not.


5. Enhanced safety

With the OPEX model, support and upgradeable software maintenance are included in the subscription.

This means that the organisation has all the patches and updates it needs to ensure the highest level of protection and prevent potential cyber threats or attacks. This is an essential point to consider when adopting new technologies, applications and services.



If you've decided to move your business telephony to a subscription-based OPEX model, consider Purple on Demand 阿尔卡特-朗讯企业. This commercial offer will enable you to transform your existing telephony solution securely and cost-effectively, preserving your past investments and gaining greater flexibility with new services.


Ludovic Leclerc

Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Expert for over 20 years in telecommunication solutions, 从承运人到企业企业, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. 作为产品营销经理, he is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, system, 南特理工学院, France.

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