
泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160
giugno 07, 2022

With the right foundation, governments can create secure digital workplaces with improved communications and collaboration, and services delivery.

Over the last two years the public sector has been launched into new ways of working, 提供服务的新方式, 以及回应民众的新方式. It’s now time to take a moment to catch our collective breathes and assess where we’ve been, what we’ve learned, 看看我们的前进方向.

The right foundation

We know that seamless technology integration is a ‘must’ to support a digital workplace and ensure a smooth path forward as we move into more complex workplaces in the future. 我们一路走来学到了什么, 我们可以明确地说, 一个成功的数字化工作场所需要一个单一的, 弹性数字基础, 基于三个核心组件:

• 集成的通信和协作环境

• Inclusive connectivity

• Ubiquitous security


Fundamentally it’s about streamlining communications between employees and enabling efficient communications with citizens. To do this, we need to empower employees with the tools they need to communicate and collaborate with colleagues, 从数据库访问信息, and interact with citizens using whichever communications channel they prefer.

员工与市民之间的无缝连接, built on a solid digital technology foundation will ensure secure and optimised communications channels to provide better information flow, 这意味着为市民提供更好的服务.

Additionally, a single, integrated environment will make it easier to incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) devices, as well as processes and services such as common calendars and directories, chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabling governments to automate the delivery of routine services.

Just think, chatbots could provide opening hours and assist with location information for public venues, 比如博物馆和美术馆. Self-guided processes could help citizens find the right forms they are looking for, 当文件准备好时提供通知, 或者发送约会提醒. And interactive menus could connect citizens immediately with the right team resolving problems quicker as well as provide information about service disruptions or changes.

Inclusive connectivity

Of course, 优化服务提供, the digital workplace must provide employees with access to networks that enable the connectivity, 他们需要的应用程序和信息. With direct, secure connections to internal networks employees can use the communications and collaboration services that allow them to communicate with colleagues and deliver services to citizens.

Ensuring municipalities are digitally inclusive is a win/win for governments and citizens. Bridging the digital divide requires readily available connections so citizens can access services whenever they need them and from wherever they are. It also involves training so citizens can easily connect to the Wi-Fi to access government services using tablets, smartphones and computers. Municipalities may also consider creating publicly available digital access points, such as kiosks or service locations equipped with computers and tablets citizens can use when they need to connect with government services.

Ubiquitous security

Ubiquitous security is required to ensure highly secure environments for employees and citizens across the service delivery chain. Policies, procedures and practices are required to protect the network from intrusions and ensure data integrity and privacy.

At the network level, secure connections between on premises and cloud infrastructures that leverage the most advanced authentication and encryption technologies can be ensured within a zero trust framework.

At the data level, 确保保密需要强有力的, 在所有软件和硬件元素中采用基于标准的加密. This should include:

• Role-based access control and encryption of stored data to ensure data is fully protected from end-to-end

• Compliance with regulations and standards such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


We understand the challenges governments face as they evolve toward the digital workplace. The right solution may consist of a combination of on premises and cloud-based technologies. 混合云解决方案可能是开始的地方, however, over time the hybrid cloud may evolve to a full private cloud providing an integrated digital workplace that supports both workers and citizens.

ALE digital transformation strategies offer solutions that connect people, objects, 机器和工艺的重点:

• Communications and collaboration solutions that streamline communications between government workers and enable more efficient communication with citizens

• Connectivity solutions that optimise communications and collaboration, 加强服务提供,确保数字融合

• Security solutions for network cybersecurity and data privacy in digital workplaces

Contact us to learn more and discuss how we can help you build the right foundation for your digital workplace.

泽维尔- mongin博客作者- 150 x160

Xavier Mongin


Xavier Mongin is the Global Director for the hospitality sector at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, based in Dubai. 他在酒店火狐体育手机有20多年的经验. 在此之前,他负责管理东南欧, Africa, Turkey, 印度和中东/非洲地区. Xavier is an excellent communicator with extensive experience in complex negotiations across diverse cultures. 渴望分享他的经验和对创新的热情, he has co-founded a number of entrepreneurship ventures and mentored multiple start-ups.

泽维尔是法国商业委员会的成员, 法国技术迪拜和超级高铁运输技术贡献者.

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