Blog 1200x299

Subash Bohra

Technology enthusiast striving to improve end users and enterprise customers digital journey and experience.

Subash Bohra

Subash Bohra

Senior Product Manager, ALE

Technology enthusiast striving to improve end users and enterprise customers digital journey and experience. Currently Sr. Product Manager @ Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise helping define and design the platform evolution in the areas of #Cloud #Wi-Fi #IoT #Analytics.

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Blog 1200x299

什么是 Wi-Fi 6?您为何需要关注?

802.11 ax 即 Wi-Fi 6,是下一代无线网络的标准。通过阅读本文,您将了解 Wifi 6 的相关优势;还可以收听播客,获悉专家的见解。
