CIO: Drive IT success with on-demand business communications

卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160
1월 10, 2024

Align business telephony to financial objectives with on-demand communications services.

a person showing something on the laptop to another man

Developing and maintaining an organisation’s information 系统 are critical elements of a successful digital transformation project. Equally important is staying on budget.

在这个博客中,我将分享 三个关键动作 you can take to ensure that your organisation’s telephony and business communications services are fully integrated into your digital transformation plans and you control your costs. Chief among these actions is to opt for an on-demand communications services model.

1. 精简基础设施

Organisations need a software solution that is scalable, 安全, suitable for virtualisation and has full IP connectivity. 这取决于你的语境, you may prefer to deploy the business communications solution on site, host it in a private data centre or delegate hosting to a service provider (in a private cloud).

无论你选择哪个选项, the solution must always remain in a private, 控制环境, guaranteeing the confidentiality and sovereignty of your data.

2. Automate and delegate your operations

企业通信解决方案, particularly for medium- and large-sized organisations, generally requires frequent tasks that make automation and delegation crucial to operations. 这些包括:

• Configure users, their equipment and communications applications

• Monitor resource availability and service quality indicators

• Monitor alarms in real time for preventive maintenance

• Schedule backups and updates to automate operations 

• Generate reports to track expenditures and reduce communication costs

Opt for a service that offers the flexibility to delegate day-to-day operations to an external service provider, or to equip your IT team with appropriate management tools to administer the solution. It is also advantageous for the IT team to be able to set up self-service for end users to customise their telephony options themselves.

3. 保证你的成本

By adopting an on-demand communications services model you will pay for only what you need.

使用基于订阅的模型, you benefit from the latest product developments and full support from the solution provider, and you maintain the option to adjust the price as new services are added. This applies to all types of IT services and can be offered as monthly, 年度或多年订阅. 

The on-demand model makes it easier to draw up a provisional budget and account for all the business needs within the organisation. An 'à la carte' approach is another option, allowing your teams to view service options provided in a catalogue format.

On-demand communications control costs

Regardless of whether you approach your budget on a per-commitment basis or on a Profit and Loss (P&L) basis, it is essential to choose a communications solution that addresses all your constraints. 

紫色随需应变 by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is based on a subscription model for software and services, complemented by hardware components purchased in a CAPEX model.

随需应变的紫色, 组织可以调整他们的预算, communications services and operations with needs and usage – without compromising security, 服务水平及质素, or the ability to evolve to adapt to change. All of which is key to making sure your digital transformation project is both a success and on budget. 

卢多维奇-勒克莱尔博客作者- 150 x160


Product Marketing Manager, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

Expert for over 20 years in telecommunication solutions, 从载体到企业经营, Ludovic began his career as a software engineer and then moved to sales support and tendering for complex customer projects. 作为产品营销经理, he is currently focused on Cloud Communications and Customer Service solutions. Ludovic holds an Engineering degree in Computer Science (network, 系统, 和云)来自南特理工学院, 法国.




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