a doctor looking at a transparent globe

Mayotte Hospital Centre

Mayotte Hospital modernises its infrastructure to ensure continuity of communications, essential to continuity of care

  • 국가: 프랑스
  • 산업: 헬스케어, Digital health
  • 해결책: 고객 서비스, 연결된 솔루션 및 서비스, Digital Dividends

The Mayotte Hospital is located on the island of Mayotte, in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean. It is the only hospital in the region, and is comprised of a unique network of 15 sites that cover inpatient and outpatient care needs for the whole territory. It is also the largest maternity hospital in Europe with almost 10,000 births per year.

The hospital was experiencing challenges guaranteeing telephone capabilities between sites. A competing DECT solution was unable to fully address the hospital's needs, in terms of robustness and coverage, to ensure reliable and comprehensive staff mobility. The ability to deploy a stable and modern telephone system to ensure service continuity became critical.

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The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions deployed and supported by Amaris have modernized and stabilized the hospital operational capabilities, as they are entirely tailored to a hospital environment.
Omar Hamada, Director of Information Systems (IS) at the hospital

The Mayotte Hospital secure their communications

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