Ports and logistics connect in the cloud


Shipping cargo from its port of origin to its final destination requires an enormous amount of logistical interaction across a number of stakeholders.

Collaboration beyond the enterprise premises and between ports and logistics companies is constantly evolving. The shipment of cargo - from its place of origin to its final destination - requires an enormous number of interactions between a variety of stakeholders. 从当地的运输公司, 到仓库, 内陆运输, 给港口和船公司, many hands will have touched the goods by the time they make it to their final destination. End-to-end collaboration between all of the key logistics providers is vital to provide accurate tracking and hand-off and ensure quality of service to the end customer.

However, the challenge transportation companies’ face is collaborating across different platforms, each with their own communications tools, which can differ from business to business, and with no guaranteed compatibility.



Cloud-based tools have evolved and today communications services such as Instant Messaging (IM), voice, video and file sharing are essential for industry collaboration. Improved collaboration means improved operations and enhanced customer satisfaction, 这对每个人都有好处.

Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise connects objects such as Internet of Things (IoT), sensors, people, and systems to provide smooth communication services. Rainbow provides the borderless collaboration that enables businesses throughout the ports and logistics industry to engage efficiently and effectively.

Cloud-based services that are easy to integrate using open API’s, 容易接受, easy- to-use and guarantee secure communications between the hand-offs is the answer.

Rainbow是一种 Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) where APIs can be integrated with 3rd-party applications to automate communications in the core business processes, without removing the contextual information. Rainbow can enhance any Port Community System (PCS) application on premises or in the cloud.

Port authorities responsible for transportation and logistics need to stay connected with partners and customers. Requirements that include bringing on new partners, 增加新设施, providing mobility for all employees, 扩展无线网络, and enhancing network management will drive the evolution of transparent communications between all of the stakeholders and enable a seamless journey for their goods.

Learn more about Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions for 港口与物流



Worldwide Sales Director for Transportation, ALE

罗氏制药Muraine leads the ALE global transportation business practice, 负责铁路, road, 空运和海运. His more than 20 years of global experience in IT, 网络和电信营销, and extensive involvement in field as well as operational activities make him ideal for this role. 

Roch holds an engineering degree in Computer Science from ESI Paris, and a postgraduate Masters in Telecommunication from Institut Mines-Télécom. 

You can reach Roch on Twitter at: @MuraineR.




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