

Massimiliano (Max) Claps is the research director in European IDC 政府 Insights team.



Research Director, IDC European 政府 Insights

Guest blogger Massimiliano (Max) Claps is the research director in European IDC 政府 Insights team. His research empowers technology suppliers and public sector professionals to embrace disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, 边缘计算, 和云, to realize the benefits of strategic initiatives such as smart cities and citizen-centric government services. He is also IDC Europe’s lead analyst for passenger transportation, advising stakeholders across the transportation ecosystem on topics like mobility as a service and intelligent traffic management.

Max Claps has almost 20 years of public sector experience. After starting his career as a management consultant, he joined IDC in 2002 as the lead analyst for the government, 医疗保健, and education industries in Europe. He then held various analyst and management roles at both Gartner and IDC. In those roles he advised technology suppliers and professionals in the public sector globally. Max spent two years at SAP, w在这里 he was the global lead for the SAP Future Cities program.

Claps holds a degree in international business from Bocconi University in Italy.



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